Lilypie Countdown to Adoption tickers

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Have Visas, Will Travel

Took the kids to a park this morning.  Kinda chilly.  Hanna likes to swing.  Oleg likes to run.  Lena likes to show off ("Mama, LOOK!").  We were trying to keep them occupied as we waited for our appointment at the embassy.

Zhenia arrived at 1pm to take us to get new pictures of Hanna.  For some reason we were one picture short yesterday, so we're getting new pics made.  We were early for our appointment at the embassy which was acutally good.  I got the last few things written in on our paperwork (I wanted to confirm with Zhenia what to put), and was the first in line.

When I got to the window, I found out that the pictures we had just made of Hanna were not acceptable.  I needed and exact match to the picture I gave them yesterday or the computer wouldn't take it.  It would be another 24hours before we could get our visas.  I said that was not acceptable.  We finally worked out that they would put a smaller size of the same picture with a larger size of the new picture with the paperwork that was going to the States with me.  She said I might have a little trouble getting through immigration, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem.  I figure the paperwork is all in order, and I have the rest of the copies of the photos, so I should be able to prove that I am her mom.  That, and I'll just agree with them that I did it wrong but that I have EVERYTHING ELSE right.  I can't imagine that American immigration would give an American citizen a super hard time over the size of a picture when everything else is in order.  Then again. . . . .  So please pray for us getting through immigration.

After getting the papers turned in, we waited another 10 min or so for our "interview."  The officer just needed me to sign the papers in front of him and to see all the kids.  Thirty minutes later we had the visas.

While we were waiting I had a chance to talk with some other American adoptive parents.  One couple from Ohio using our agency and Zhenia and adopting a cute 4 year old boy.  Another from Nebraska who had adopted before.  We just exchanged some info while we waited and wished each other good luck.  Even though I was first in line, I was the last to get our visas.  I figure it was 3 kids versus 1.  No worries.  I have them now, so we are 100% ready to go home.

Zhenia brought us some gifts before he left us.  He will not come to the airport at 5 in the morning, so this was our last opportunity to see him.  He gave me a hand carved chess set for Cliff.  Two matrushka dolls, a porcelain plate of Kiev, and a fridge magnet.  He also gave John a hat with the symbol of Ukraine, a matrushka doll, and a magnet.  He made sure he told me that he doesn't usually give his families so many gifts.  He just feels especially close to us.  After a couple of hugs, well wishes, and goodbyes, we were left at the flat for our last night in Kiev.

John and the big kids are wrestling now.  Before he left, Zhenia made sure the older kids know that we are going home tomorrow on 3 different planes and that they need to listen to John and me and stay close to us.  I hope they heard him!

In a little while we will go to the Fat House for supper, come back to the flat, try to get the kids to sleep, pack the bags and food for the trip, and try to get some sleep ourselves.  Andre will be here at 4:30am to take us to the airport.  And then we will be on our way home.

Please pray for some sleep tonight, for us to get up and to the airport on time, for our flights, for managing the kids through the airports and flights and anything else you can think of.  Also pray for Cliff and the girls as they prepare the kids beds for our arrival.  We will be in Houston around 6pm Friday night.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! I'm so excited for everyone to be home! I'm praying for the journey home, and for the Johnson's journey afterwards!
